27 research outputs found


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    Лозунги являются зеркалами своего времени. Каждая страна или каждое особое событие в жизни народа создаёт свои слоганы и лозунги. Их язык отражает экономические и социальные явления и постреволюционного времени в Советском союзе. В статье обсуждаются изменение советских патетических фраз в обычные непатетические рекламные ролики. Специфичные лингвистические исследования современных лозунгов и связанного с ними жанра рекламы как особой языковой единицы и оправдано, и необходимо.Slogans are mirror images of their time. Each era or some significant event in the history of any country gives rise to their slogans. What are the times and such appeals? Referring to the history of Russia, "Element slogans" become literally captured the society in post-revolutionary period. The paper discusses the logical movement from soviet initial outreach pathos rooted in the nature of the slogan, to its overthrow, actual unpathetic use, even so the slogan of modern linguistic research and the associated advertising genre as a special language unit. This article focuses on the unique type of publication, which had a huge impact on the formation and development of Russian readers. Literary magazines in Russia started to be issued from mid-19th century. Since then they have occupied a special place among the various periodicals.  The so-called "thick journals" played an important social and cultural role in different periods of Russian and Soviet history.  The article deals with the specifics of "thick journals" as a special type of periodicals, tells about the major milestones in the history of this type of publication in Russia. The author proposes a new method of studying a language of Russian literary journals as a discourse.Slogans are mirror images of their time. Each era or some significant event in the history of any country gives rise to their slogans. What are the times and such appeals? Referring to the history of Russia, "Element slogans" become literally captured the society in post-revolutionary period. The paper discusses the logical movement from soviet initial outreach pathos rooted in the nature of the slogan, to its overthrow, actual unpathetic use, even so the slogan of modern linguistic research and the associated advertising genre as a special language unit. This article focuses on the unique type of publication, which had a huge impact on the formation and development of Russian readers. Literary magazines in Russia started to be issued from mid-19th century. Since then they have occupied a special place among the various periodicals.  The so-called "thick journals" played an important social and cultural role in different periods of Russian and Soviet history.  The article deals with the specifics of "thick journals" as a special type of periodicals, tells about the major milestones in the history of this type of publication in Russia. The author proposes a new method of studying a language of Russian literary journals as a discourse

    Соседи и соседство в восточнославянской паремиологии: сопоставительный анализ

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    This article analyzes Russian, Ukrainian, and Belarusian proverbs, which reflect the unity of opposite meanings with nearly balanced positive and negative characteristics of a neighborhood.V prispevku je predstavljena analiza ruskih, ukrajinskih in beloruskih paremij, v katerih se kaže enotnost nasprotujočih si pomenov s skoraj uravnoteženimi pozitivnimi in negativnimi značilnostmi soseske

    Sobre la estructura del nuevo Diccionario paremiológico ruso-español

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    [spa] El Diccionario paremiológico ruso-español está redactado a partir del diccionario paremiológico ruso-alemán-español Russisch-Deutsch-Spanisches Wörterbuch aktueller Sprichworter (Harry Walter, Valerij Mokienko, Marc Ruiz-Zorrilla Cruzate, Andrej Zainouldinov, Ernst-Moritz-Arndt Universität Greifswald, Greifswald, 2009) y está dirigido a estudiantes y docentes cuya lengua nativa es el ruso o el español, a traductores de ambas lenguas, y a estudiosos de la paremiología. Describe el material paremiológico ruso y español mediante un sistema de marcas y acotaciones lexicográficas cuyo objetivo es reflejar con la máxima coherencia posible importantes características de los refranes, tanto dentro del idioma al cual pertenecen como en comparación con sus equivalentes en otras lenguas. Aparte del significado de las unidades fraseológicas, el diccionario proporciona información sobre su uso mediante un sistema de oposiciones que muestran si éstas son conocidas o desconocidas para la mayoría de hablantes, si pertenecen al dominio activo o pasivo, si son más propias de la lengua hablada o de la lengua escrita, o si se utilizan sólo en determinadas zonas geográficas. [eng] The Russian-Spanish paremiological dictionary, has been compiled taking as a starting point the Russian-German-Spanish Paremiological Dictionary RussischDeutsch-Spanisches Wörterbuch aktueller Sprichworter (Harry Walter, Valerij Mokienko, Marc Ruiz-Zorrilla Cruzate, Andrej Zainouldinov, Ernst-Moritz-Arndt Universität Greifswald, Greifswald, 2009). It has been conceived as a tool for language students and teachers whose mother tongue is Russian or Spanish, for translators of both languages, and for researchers in paremiology. It describes the Russian and Spanish paremiological material through a system of lexicographical marks and tries to show with the maximum coherence the most important features of the proverbs within the language in which they are used or in comparison with other languages. Besides of the definition of the meaning of the unities, the dictionary provides information about their use through a system of oppositions which show whether these units are known or not by the majority of speakers, if they belong to the active or passive usage, if they are more characteristic for the spoken or written language, or if they are used only in some geographic areas

    Словарь перестройки, сост. В. И. Максимов, С. С. Волков, Ю. Л. Ермолаева и др

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    Mokienko Valerij M. Словарь перестройки, сост. В. И. Максимов, С. С. Волков, Ю. Л. Ермолаева и др. In: Revue des études slaves, tome 65, fascicule 4, 1993. pp. 841-845

    Чесько-український словник, у двох томах

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    Mokienko Valeri M. Чесько-український словник, у двох томах. In: Revue des études slaves, tome 63, fascicule 4, 1991. pp. 877-879

    Словарь перестройки, сост. В. И. Максимов, С. С. Волков, Ю. Л. Ермолаева и др

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    Mokienko Valerij M. Словарь перестройки, сост. В. И. Максимов, С. С. Волков, Ю. Л. Ермолаева и др. In: Revue des études slaves, tome 65, fascicule 4, 1993. pp. 841-845

    Schindler Franz, Sprichwort im heutigen Tschechischen : empirische Untersuchungen und semantische Beschreibung

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    Mokienko Valerij M. Schindler Franz, Sprichwort im heutigen Tschechischen : empirische Untersuchungen und semantische Beschreibung. In: Revue des études slaves, tome 68, fascicule 4, 1996. pp. 590-595